Lighting is needed in all living and working spaces and the energy required for it can make up a substantial part of utility bills. Energy efficient lights can reduce power consumptions and help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as lesser power is required from power stations, who contribute to environmental damage in a big way.
It is a known fact that lighting in a building accounts for 60 per cent of the energy expenses for most commercial buildings. Proper planning and the use of energy efficient lighting fixtures, can help this expense to be brought down to half. In the first place, old fluorescent or incandescent bulbs can be replaced by efficient and compact fluorescent lamps or light emitting diode (LED) bulbs that can reduce the wattage required for the same level of lighting, substantially. This can require a substantial expense, as energy efficient lighting fixtures are fairly expensive. But, the savings in energy and the long life of these newer devices can compensate costs over the years.
While changing to energy efficient lighting fixtures can help to save money, there are also other conservation strategies that can make lighting installations more efficient. Often in large layouts, a single switch controls many lights, and even if work is being done in only one area, all the lights remain on. Having a greater number of switches can allow for control of lighting zones and reduce the required illumination to just that which is needed. General lighting can be connected to automatic time-controlled switches, or even to sensors that detect movement. Providing a greater amount of glazing can let in natural light and reduce the need for lights during the day.
Your lighting system can be made more efficient if a proper study is made of the actually needed lighting levels, depending on the work being carried out in each area. You may find quite a few areas that do not need any lighting and lights have been provided more for symmetry. You can remove these lights or reduce their wattage. Energy consultants can also be called in to get recommendations for focused lighting in areas that require a greater degree of illumination through the use of lenses, reflectors, and other devices that do not increase the use of energy. Often the use of light colours in the decor on all walls, floors, and furniture can act to increase illumination levels, with the same installed lighting.